Now Accepting Telehealth Appointments. COVID-19 Update.

About Us

About Us

Know about us

Quality Psychiatric Health and Wellness is formed by a professional and profoundly caring healthcare provider, after witnessing family members and friends struggle to find quality psychiatric care, she made the personal decision to enter this profession with the practice philosophy to treat each patient as she would want a loved one to be treated—with honesty, compassion, and empathy. Along with treating the needs of each individual, she encourages embracing life’s positivity with a holistic approach.

Quality Psychiatric Health and Wellness is rooted in the belief that each person is unique. As a result, she looks at preventative measures and explores root causes while treating symptoms. Furthermore, Dr. Ndubaku’s dual training in family medicine and psychiatry helps her treat you like the valuable, unique individual that you are.

You can trust us to be a place where you can find a competent and compassionate professional catering to the mental health challenges of you and your loved ones. Our services are available in the office and at your home through telepsychiatry and teletherapy services.

Certified Practitioners

A certified practitioner with extensive clinical care experience to assess your medical condition and tailor a treatment plan that works.

Holistic Approach

Comprehensive mental health treatment plans that cater to your unique needs holistically and not limited to only medications. The aim is to continually move toward lasting changes that improve your quality of life.

Preventive Measures

Each treatment plan includes preventive measures to guide you towards the true essence of life.

Our Mission

Quality Psychiatric Health and Wellness, APNC focuses on one thing: moving you towards your best mental, physical, and emotional health through a compassionate and comprehensive approach.

Our Values

To treat each individual with the compassion, care, and commitment necessary to recover from mental health illness.  Our providers will work tirelessly on the mental health issues affecting you and your loved ones to bring about a meaningful change in your life and for those you love.

Our Vision

The vision of Quality Psychiatric Health and Wellness is to offer individuals undergoing mental health challenges a chance at living a healthy life. We will treat more than just your mental health needs; we want to partner with you and empower you to live fully in all areas of your life.

Experienced Team Member

Ugo Ndubaku, DNP works with a collaborating psychiatrist, Cristina Sanchez-Jaquez, MD and other certified team members to better your life. You can be assured that all team members are compassionate providers trained to cater to your needs with holistic treatment modalities and not limited to only medications. Quality Psychiatric Providers will offer you only quality mental health services.