Dual-Purpose Follow Up
This custom follow-up for those with more than two diagnoses and moderate to severe symptoms.
Some psychiatric disorders require medications and psychotherapy to adhere to treatment plans and enhance the treatment outcome. Therefore, a timely follow-up sessions are arranged to keep your medication regime in check. Through her years of experience in healthcare, Dr. Ugo Ndubaku, DNP has brought patients back to a path of recovery – all with the motive in mind to never give up on her patients. This includes adequate medication management, stress reduction, lifestyle coaching, suggesting alternative treatments, and preventative measures.
In the belief that each patient is unique and that medication is not always a definitive cure for mental illnesses, she devises a thorough treatment plan that comprises a blend of medicines and integrative psychotherapy to move the patient towards recovery and healthy life.
Psychotherapy with Medication Management
Combining medication management and psychotherapy has been shown to improve treatment outcomes by giving patients insights into the social and interpersonal problems affecting their symptoms. This session covers reviewing your medication routines, discussing side effects and barriers to treatment, and altering the treatment plan as needed. Simultaneously, she integrates effective psychotherapy to elicit the best response. Ultimately, this type of treatment increases medication compliance, empowers patients, and decreases relapse of symptoms.
Supportive Psychotherapy
Supportive psychotherapy helps enhance treatment and patient compliance.
While some patients respond better to medications, traditional therapy doesn’t always provide effective treatment. Therefore, adding supportive psychotherapy increases treatment efficacy and gives patients the internal satisfaction that they are in trusted and caring hands, which leads to quality mental health.