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August 2021

Professional psychotherapies and young woman suffering from ptsd

Does Telepsychiatry Work in Helping Reduce Anxiety Levels?

The current pandemic has added additional stress to our basic daily needs and overall health. Although the mental health problems individuals faced before were on the rise, there’s no denying that those problems are rising at ten-fold speed in the pandemic. The pandemic has also caused one significant disadvantage: social distancing. However, people seeking treatment

Does Telepsychiatry Work in Helping Reduce Anxiety Levels? Read More »

Depressed man at the therapy

How to Offer Support to Your Loved One When They’re Undergoing Mental Stress

Depression doesn’t only affect the person who’s suffering from it, but it also extends to include close family members and friends. As a loved one, you can feel overwhelmed and clueless about how to approach your family member. At times, it makes you withdraw completely, fearing you might trigger their anxiety. And even though depression

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Doctor having conversation with sad little girl at the hospital. Doctor consoling child

What to Do When You’re Depressed, And No One Is There for You

Mental depression disorders are widespread and affect many people. Having caring people to be there for you helps, but too often, there’s no one around to pour your heart out to. Frequently friends and family aren’t only unsupportive but blame you for your situation. That means it’s only you and your depression disorders. Thankfully, your

What to Do When You’re Depressed, And No One Is There for You Read More »

Womens Mental Health. Anxiety Panic Disorders. Bipolar Disorder. Outdoor portrait of Young sad woman

5 Initial Symptoms of Mental Health Disruption that Indicate You Need Help

Life presents hardships that are impossible to maneuver on your own. It so happens that without even realizing it, our loved ones, or we, can fall into the realms of an excessive mental health crisis. In cases like these, knowing the initial symptoms of mental illness helps start appropriate mental health treatment. So, if you

5 Initial Symptoms of Mental Health Disruption that Indicate You Need Help Read More »

Businesswoman at the desk indoors in office, feeling pain in neck.

Coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in The Workplace

Working in a busy office is exhausting enough, but with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), it can feel impossible to manage. If it’s triggered at work, it’ll leave you feeling anxious, scared, and nervous. You’ll find it hard to stick to deadlines, remember your coworkers’ names, and complete projects on time. It will affect your

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